Education Plan
■Educational Context and Features of System Design Engineering
The five basic elements of system design engineering are energy, mechanics, manufacturing, control, and electronics. To additionally increase motivation of our students, universal subjects are included in the basic subjects, such as introduction to engineering, exercises, experiments and mathematics-related subjects. These subjects extend across various application fields in science and technology. The curriculum is based on the above-mentioned basic component subjects and basic subjects, on top of which subjects related to various application fields are offered to further expand students’ worldview.
■Educational Objectives of System Design
The world around us is becoming increasingly complex and fluid. Such a dynamic world changes the ways in which systems, including their surrounding environments, should be expressed. That makes design of system hardware/software a major challenge in the engineering field, and experts capable to flexibly utilize the basic knowledge of dynamics, energy, control, and information to resolve this challenge is in great demand. The Department of System Design Engineering cultivates new perspectives based on fundamental knowledge of arts, society, and economy, and trains experts capable of designing and realizing hardware/software for comprehensive environments that include complicated engineering systems such as outer space, cities, and lives.