Faculty Members
In Department of System Design Engineering, faculties from a wide range of fields such as Mechanical Engineering, Electronic/Information Engineering, Architectural Engineering, System Design to be involved in education/research of the fields that are integrated with one another.
JorgeAssociate Professor14-620APublic space / Dividual space / Zakkyo architecture / Transit urban centerISAKARI
HiroshiAssociate Professor25-219Computational mechanics/Optimal design/BEM and FEM/Mathematical modelling/Optical and acoustic metamaterialOHMORI
HiromitsuProfessor24-418Control Engineering / Nonlinear Engineering / Adaptive and Learing Control Systems / Robust Control Systems / System Modeling and DesignOYA
TetsuoAssociate Professor24-410Material modeling / Metal forming simulation / Optimum Design systemsOGAWA
AmiSenior Assistant Professor14-620DSmart-Wellness House / Built Environment System / Activities of Daily Living SupportKAKINUMA
YasuhiroProfessor34-107Micro,Nano machining / Intelligent Machine Tools / Functional fluids and materials / Electromechanical Integration SystemsKAZOE
YutakaAssociate Professor26-412BMicro/nanofluidics / Fluid science / Super-resolution measurements/ Single molecule analysisKATSURA
SeiichiroProfessor25-313Applied Abstraction / Human Support / Super Human / Data Robotics / Wave System / Systems Energy ConversionKAWAKUBO
ShunAssociate Professor14-620CSustainability Design / SDGs / Built EnvironmentKISHIMOTO
TatsuyaProfessor25-316Architectural Planning, Urban Planning, Regional Planning, Optimization, Facility ManagementKOIKE
RyoAssociate Professor34-108Machine tool / Additive manufacturing / Process controlKOHIYAMA
MasayukiProfessor14-620BPerformance-Based and Optimal Structural Design / Disaster Reduction SystemsSATO
YoheiProfessor26-410ANano/Microscale / Thermo-Fluid Dynamics / Raman Scattering / Evanescent Wave / Micro-TASSANO
SatoshiSenior Assistant Professor14-620ESpace Design & Engineering/Building Construction Studies/Micro Urban Space/Sustainable CommunitySUDO
RyoProfessor16D-207Bioengineering / Tissue Engineering / Microfluidic SystemTAKAHASHI
MasakiProfessor25-216BControl Engineering / Space Engineering / Robotics / Vehicle engineering / Soft ComputingTAGUCHI
YoshihiroProfessor25-418Micro/Nano-scale thermal engineering / Optical MEMS (Microelectromechanical Systems) / Micro optical sensorTADA
MunehiroProfessor34-308Heterogeneous integrated systems / Semiconductor devices / Multi-level interconnects / Neuromorphic circuits / Cryo-CMOS for controlling qubitsNAKAZAWA
KazuoAssociate Professor25-318Multi-Robot System / Life Assist Robot / Machine Learning / Environment UnderstandingNAMERIKAWA
ToruProfessor24-413BSystems and Control Theory and Control Technology / Control and Estimation of Environment and Power Networks / Distributed, Cooperative and Predictive Control / Multi-Agent SystemsNISHI
HiroakiProfessor25-501IP Router Architecture / Distributed Shared System Architecture / ASIC, FPGA design / Security / High-performance computing systemNOZAKI
TakahiroAssociate Professor26-406APower Electronics / Control Engineering / RoboticsHASHIMOTO
MasaakiAssistant Professor
(Non-tenured)25-420MechanoThermology / Thermal Engineering / MicroNanomachinesBEAUCAMP
AnthonyAssociate Professor34-106CAD / CAM / CAE / Ultra-precision Machining / Manufacturing Process MonitoringMATSUDA
EikoSenior Assistant Professor14-617Synesthesia / Fantasy / Artificial life / Embodied cognitive science / Complex system physicsMITSUKURA
YasueProfessor26-406BBio-signal Processing / EEG Analysis / Image Processing / Impression AnalysisMURAKAMI
ToshiyukiProfessor26-404BMobile System Control / Human Assist Control / Robotics / Visual Servo Control / Vibration Control / Redundant Motion SystemYAMASHITA
TadahiroAssociate Professor26-408BMechanobiology/Microengineering/Biomechanics/Interfacial scienceYAMAMOTO
EijiAssociate Professor25-520Nano/Micro-Scale Heat and Mass Transport / Soft Matter / Biophysics / Molecular Dynamics